Glenorchy Knights Juniors

Glenorchy Knights caters for players in the Under 5 to Under 12 age groups.  We are an inclusive club and accept junior players of all playing levels.

We compete in the Central Region Junior Football Association (CRJFA) roster during the regular season and have training sessions available during the off season.

For players U8 to U12, we offer the Knights Skills Program (KSP) which provides access to regular training sessions with professional and qualified coaches. The aim is to better prepare our players for youth competitions and senior football as they get older.  

We seek to provide an environment where every player feels included, safe and excited to learn and grow and be part of our club community.

How can a player join Knights Juniors?

The Knights Skills Program for U8-U12 players starts on Monday 17 February 2025. Trainings are on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4pm to 5pm at Eady Street Sports Ground.

Training for U5-U7 players starts on Wednesday 12 March 2025. Trainings are on Wednesdays from 4pm to 5pm at Eady Street Sports Ground.

All players start training together in their age groups, before being formed into teams and coaches found.  Team training sessions will start in March, once the teams have been finalized. 

More information will be available closer to the start date.  There is nothing more to do until the sessions start.

What is included?

Junior registration includes:

  • 28 weeks of training (including KSP)

  • Football Tasmania registration

  • Junior competition games during the season

  • End of season presentation

How do I register?

Registrations are now open, click here to register on Play Football.

Players must be registered and paid in full (or a payment plan arranged) by 1 April 2025.

What are the fees?

The registration fee for U5-U7 is $275.

The registration fee for U8-U12 including the KSP is $390.

Are there payment options?

Through the Play Football registration process, there is an option to ‘Schedule Payments’ into 4 monthly instalments which will need to be paid manually, reminder emails are sent out when the instalments are due.

What is “Ticket-to-Play”?

Ticket to Play is a Tasmanian Government initiative designed to reduce the cost of participating in club sporting activities for Tasmanian children. If you have a healthcare card, then you may be eligible for $200 worth of vouchers to be used for any sports registrations. Visit

What teams will there be in 2025?

Glenorchy Knights are looking to enter teams in all age groups from U5 to U12. 

In 2024, we had 19 junior teams competing in all age groups including three all-girl teams playing in the U7, U9 and U11 age groups. 

Teams can be mixed or all-girl. Depending on numbers, we are keen to increase our number of all-girl teams in 2025!

When is training?

Knights Skills Program (KSP) sessions are held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4pm to 5pm at Eady Street Sports Ground during Terms 1, 2 and 3.

Team training will start once the teams are formed and coaches found (mid to late March).  The team training session night will be decided by the coach availability, but most trainings are expected to be on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday afternoon.

Where is training?

Eady Street Sports Ground, Eady Street, Glenorchy.

How do I get a Junior uniform?

As most existing players already have a Knights Junior uniform, a uniform is not included in the registration fee.

Uniforms are available for purchase from the shed at the Eady Street ground once training sessions start in early 2025.

Uniform costs are:

  • Full Junior uniform top, shorts and socks $70

  • Junior top only (red) $40

  • Junior shorts only (white) $25

  • Junior socks only (blue) $15

How do I get club apparel?

Club apparel can be purchased from the Myelin website at

What is the Dribl app?

The Dribl App operated by Football Tasmania is used for rosters and game day information.  

When does the 2025 season start and finish?

The Central Region season is expected to start in mid-April and finish at the end of August 2025.

How can I help?

Volunteers are always welcome in any capacity.

Coaches, team managers, first aid support, refereeing, setting up and packing up the grounds on a Saturday morning, helping in the canteen, with fundraising events, working bees - there are always tasks that parents, family and friends can help with. Or you may want to join our Junior sub-committee.

Let us know where you can assist.

Some volunteer tasks require a registration to work with vulnerable people.  

Need more info or want to volunteer? Send us a message and we will get back to you.